Syracuse & Noto Day Tour

Syracuse, notable for its rich Greek history, culture, amphitheatres and architecture. Noto, where its church were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We offer unique travel experiences in Sicily with personalized and tailor-made tours. Let’s explore Syracuse & Noto together, local friendly staff and comfortable vehicles at your disposal.

Enjoy our Syracuse tour and discover one of the most beautiful cities in Sicily, surrounded by Ionic sea. Oldest part of the city is Ortigia where you can find the architectural remains from different centuries: Greeks, Romans, Saracens, Spanish and others have built here best examples of architecture. The most curious is of course The cathedral of Syracuse, because part of the wall of the church is old Temple of Athena from 6th century B. C. , later Christianity adapted it as their own church and it became Christian church and final baroque façade was made by Andrea Palma in 1725–1753, statues are made by Ignazio Marabitti. Nearby the cathedral of St. Mary You will find local government house called as well Palazzo del Vermexio, what have been made 1629-1633 , just before the destructive earthquake in 1693. Not far from the cathedral is the Archimedes square where is the beautiful Diana fountain, the square built in honor of famous mathematician and physician Archimedes, who worked together with Hierone II and tried to make inventions to fight against Carthaginians and later Romans in Second Punic War. It is recommendable to make a walk along Alfeo Promenade where you can admire the old city wall, made by the order of Spanish king Carlo V. At the corner end of Ortigia you will find Maniace Castle, named by famous captain Georgio Maniace who managed to free most of Ionic coast from Arabs, but the castle itself is made by Federic II. Aretusa fountain famous because it is one of two places in Sicily where you can see Egyptian plant papyrus crowing naturally. Continue trip in the direction of new part of Syracuse called Neapolis (New-city) just before Umbertino`s bridge you will be able to see Temple of Apollo (the oldest Doric temple in Sicily). In a way you pass from the most modern church Madonna of Tears or “Madonna della Lacrime”, what had great problems with building and finishing it, because great part of citizens and architects considered it too modern for the ancient architecture of Syracuse. The last stage of our Syracuse tour is Neapolis where lays Greek Theatre what is made by Tyrant Gelone after Himera battle in 480 B.C. to thank the gods from victory against Carthaginians. Just to mention for curiosity that, Valley of the Temples in Agrigento was made for the same purpose by Tyrant Therone who made Carthaginian slaves to build the temples. The patron saint of the city is St. Lucy and the Festival of St. Lucy is celebrated on December 13th. If you are interested to see Caravaggio’s famous painting Burial of St. Lucy you can find it in Museo Bellomo. Don’t forget to visit as well the Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi” what is considered as one of the most important archaeological museums in all southern Italy. During all your trip through Syracuse you might start feel yourself as a part of the history of this unique city.
Noto – the kingdom of Baroque in Sicily is not far from Syracuse in Iblean Mountains, 165 meters above the sea level. The first settlements go back to the prehistoric age, as proven by numerous existing necropolises, most famous nearby Noto is Castelluccio what roots go even 18- 15 B.C. and have been researched by archaeologist Paolo Orsi. The old Noto what these days is called ” Città Morta”- “Dead city ” was situated nearby mountain Mount Alveria. Old Noto was the battlefield for the last king of Sicels Ducezio, who was fighting against Greek colonists. Ducezio’s name stays even today in the new city, because the local town hall made by Vincenzo Sinatra is named by Ducezio. The interior of the town hall has neoclassical-style frescoes by Antonio Mazza, the most known painting presents an allegory of Ducezio, king of Sicels founding antique Noto. Greeks renamed the city as ” Neas ” and Greek time is known as splendour time of antique city. Ierone II made an agreement with Romans in the time of Punic Wars and Neas became as ” civitas foederata ” or federal city of Rome. After Arab conquer 9th century Noto was rising as the principle town of the three territories of which Sicily was divided. The city continued to develop until the terrible and devastating earthquake in 1693 what leave Old city ” Città Morta” in ruins as You can see it today in Mount Alveria, 14 kilometers away from Noto. Spanish king gave an order to build new city and named Giuseppe Lanza the Duke of Camastra as responsible of the creating process. Due to the earthquake from 19 noble families survived only 9 and this gave a start to the oligarchy in Noto after the catastrophe. This makes it more understandable how some of the noble families were able to build palaces in central places of the new city as Palazzo Landolina and Palazzo Nicolaci. Giuseppe Lanza had also in his service the best architects of this time and this gave a start for a new baroque pearl to be grown as an phoenix from the ash. Main cathedral was built by architect Paolo Labisi, who made the harmonic facade, beautiful combination of neoclassical and baroque stile. The bronze door was given as a present from the Sovereign Order of Malta and symbolizes the patron saint Corrado’ s life, the door was made by artist Giuseppe Pirrone. The Cathedral is considered as a symbol of Noto, dedicated to St. Nicolo. The journey of Noto begins and finishes with the Royal Gate what have been made 1838 by Orazio Angelini to symbolize the faithfulness of the citizens of Noto in one rebel act in the island against the king Ferdinand II of Bourbon. The history continues in unexpected ways, if You continue same main street Corso Vittorio Emanuelle You arrive the square Piazza XI Maggio – Square of 21 May where You can remember the revolutionary day against the same Bourbon kings in 1860. And as mostly in Noto You will see the Old Noto together with the present day in the right side of Piazza XI Maggio where stays fountain inspired by Hercules what is taken from the destroyed city. The Legend tells that Hercules after the seventh task stays to rest in the land where lays Antique Noto.


In case none of the above excursions suit your need and you wish to customize something for you, kindly write us specifying: - Your Group Size (and average age); - Your interests; - Port of Call and Cruise schedule. Our local staff will be pleased to work together with you to find something that fit your needs.


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